Friday, October 15, 2010

Kindy Teacher’s husband – giving hope and releasing light in the Coronary Care Unit … Wednesday 13th October 2010

On Wednesday afternoon (the day I prayed for M’s kindy teacher’s husband) I received a phone call from M’s kindy teacher asking me to come to the hospital to pray for her husband. There was an urgency and insistence in her call and she was quite firm about me coming when I could that night.

I headed off after getting the kids to bed and after sending out emails asking for prayer coverage for “L” and myself. My husband A prayed for me before I left and his hand burned on my back, although he thought my back was hot … I was feeling somewhat challenged at the thought but focused on God, his goodness, chose to remain the His peace and drove to the hospital worshiping and praising God. I felt apprehension as I walked towards the CCU (Coronary care Unit), but I sensed ("saw") two massive angels walking in behind me and I chose to trust, knowing my job was to love and God’s to heal ... I just had to turn up.

I went in and introduced myself.  L was on his bed with oxygen and he was all connected up to tubes, cords and monitors.

As I entered he looked and said “please tell me I'm going to be alright” or something along those lines … I felt intense pressure, took a deep breath and answered that this sickness was not for him, that God wanted him well and that I believed He would be healed and would walk out of the hospital. My head was screaming at me about giving false hope, and I was very aware that only a few days before was the 13th anniversary of my Father's death who had died of pneumonia as a complication of cancer.

I explained briefly what I would do and asked what he had been diagnosed with - he had double pneumonia, which had gone to the heart, he had oedema (swelling) from the knees down. I looked at him and felt God say “start at the feet” so I did. I laid hands on his feet and commanded the fluid retention to leave etc and he felt (so he told me later) electricity going up his legs into his back. I then asked permission to lay my hands on his chest. I did and commanded the infection to leave and released healing etc he started to cough and phlegm starting coming up – it was the first time he had managed a “productive cough” (one that moved the mucus off his chest). I told him to do what he had to in order to get the phlegm out - it was not time for social niceties.

As I prayed I shared a few testimonies that I felt led to share. He told me he felt very at peace.

I then asked him to breathe deeply. He tried and he said it was the deepest he had been able to breathe for some time. I felt it was nearly time to go so I lay my hands on his feet again, and told him to him to close his eyes, rest and remain in the peace and I would pray and then quietly leave when I felt it was time to go. I prayed and released peace over him, praying for complete covering through the room and quietly left, leaving him resting peacefully without any cough.

The following morning I received this message from his wife on my answering machine at 9.22am:

Good morning … Thank you so much for seeing L, he is much better, he is breathing much freer so I just can’t thank you enough and L is very grateful, so thank you so much and I will talk to you later. Bye for now.”

God is good.

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