Monday, November 29, 2010

Aussie Girl impacting the world … a prodigal son goes home - a friend's testimony received 23rd November 2010

To follow is another God is Good story from an Australian friend currently in the States.  She is on fire for God.  I trust we will see more and more of this on our streets.  As we go we can release Heaven onto Earth – we are brokers of His Glory … if we are bold enough to release it, if enough of us are bold enough to release it, the Earth will be filled with the knowledge of His Glory, as the waters cover the sea (Habakkuk 2:14) … what is great is that although this amazing girl is overseas now, she is there to be trained and equipped and she will bring “it” back with her to Australia …

She says:

On the weekend I went down to San Francisco with some other people to minister to the homeless people there. I've attached the testimony...its really long, but AMAZING!!! 

"A group of us went down to San Francisco to minister to the homeless on Friday night/Saturday.  On Saturday, we went to The Haight and stopped at a cross road to offer some homeless people some sweaters, and got into a conversation with one of them.

He introduced himself as Ray. We found out he was from
Portland and he said he wanted to go home for the holidays (more than 1000kms from San Francisco). He had run away from home about six weeks ago looking for freedom, but hated it and wanted to go home. We asked him if we could pray with him and he asked if we could pray for strength. Partway through the prayer, one of the girls asked him if he knew Jesus. He said he did and he was a Christian, but was afraid to tell people about it on the streets for fear that he would get hurt or made fun of. So we prayed and prophesied and then he asked if he could borrow a phone to call his mum. He tried to call but got the answering machine.

We kept chatting and then one of the men had a word of knowledge that he had an older sister with brown hair and that she was thinking of him right then. He began to weep and forgive his sister (who was older, and had brown hair!). One of the girls asked if there was anyone else he needed to forgive and he began listing names and forgiving all these people. Then he tried to call his parents again (we found out these were actually his foster parents). His mum answered and he asked her to forgive him because he had been stupid and told her he was coming home. She forgave him and they rejoiced together!

A short while later, his dad called. He looked at the number calling and didn’t want to answer, because he was scared his dad would be angry with him. We told him to answer it and while they talked we were praying that his dad would forgive him! He told his dad he was sorry and asked him to forgive him. His dad forgave him and told him that he had been trying to find him!!!

At some stage, one of the guys told him that HE was COMPETELY forgiven. That Jesus had forgiven HIM!!! And he began jumping up and down for joy-literally- and he was hugging everyone!!!

One of the girls asked if he had pain in his body. He said his leg was hurting (he had been in a car accident when he was 11, he was now in his late twenties and had had pain since he was 11). He said that it hurt the most when he was walking and running or put pressure on it. So we asked if we could pray for it...he said “SURE!!” He knew Jesus could do anything! So we prayed and it felt a bit better, so we prayed again and he took off running up the street and back and there was NO PAIN! And the he started stomping his leg really hard and there was NO PAIN!!!!!!!!!! Thank you Jesus!

He talked to his Grandpa who was able to pick him up from the station and we worked out his trip home. We got directions to the train station and gave him the money we had towards the ticket. Soon after his grandpa rang and said that his daughter was going to pay for the rest of the ticket. YAY!

We took turns prophesying over him and he was so full of hope and joy by the end that he looked like a different person! He opened up and said his name was actually Aaron, Ray was his middle name. He was sooo excited about going home that he was telling everyone who walked past us! He was jumping up and down with joy! While he had been on the streets, he had been trying to get an acting job, but he said that now he felt like he wanted to do what we were doing-telling people about Jesus!

As we parted, he put his sleeping bag that he had been carrying on the sidewalk for someone else, because he didn’t need it anymore, and began walking towards the station! He was going home!

On Sunday, his grandpa rang one of the girls to confirm that he had made it home safely! He’s not homeless anymore!!!!

It was literally like watching the prodigal son story happen right before our eyes! God completely transformed Aaron's world in about an hour! YAY JESUS!"

… I’ll take this one for Australia!  The prodigals are coming home … all over the world because … God is Good!

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